For Students of the Bible Lessons

To provide for those who have copies only of the 226th, or later editions of Science and Health, references are here given which will enable them to study the Bible lessons. These references are not to be read by Readers in the services. Readers should continue to use in Sunday services the references as now given in the Quarterly. When the change is made in the Quarterly, references will be published from both the revised and earlier editions, so that the convenience of all will be provided for.

April 27, 1902.—Subject: EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT.

I.—5—3I; 37—I; 10—29 to I9 next page; 537—I3 to 15
II.—I84—6 to 8; I96—9 to 22; 327—8; 489—I3 to 15;
III.—6—21 only; 453—19; 95—6; 542—5 to 8; 447—13. 14, 21; 405—24.
IV.—35—30 only; 5—I to 9; 22—23; 240—18 to 4 next page.
V.—315—16; 291—12; 339—I.
VI.—219—I to 3; 77—13 to 18; 572—19 to 25; 573—13.

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Peace, Be Still!
April 3, 1902

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