A Testimony from Ireland

I did not come to Christian Science for the physical healing, never having had any fear of illness for myself, or much belief in doctors and medicine.

A friend, while staying in our house, brought "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" to my notice, also spoke of it to one of my daughters, who had for many years been delicate. I liked the teaching of love and harmony, of peace and trust. I bought the book at once, began to study, and have never for one moment doubted the truth of its Principle, or the grand inspiration of Science and Health.

The first definite idea presenting itself to me as Truth was that "Matter could not feel fatigue," and from that day to this I have had no sense of weariness. I can travel any distance. If necessary, I can do without sleep, suffering no inconvenience whatever, in spite of my having always seemed a frail, though not an unhealthy woman.

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Testimony of Healing
How I became Interested in Christian Science
November 28, 1901

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